International Health Certificates and Things to Consider
If traveling internationally or to Hawaii, check the pet import requirements. Some places require a certain series of Rabies vaccinations and/or rabies titers. This can take 1-3 months to complete the requirements.
Some destinations require extra entry permits and paperwork notifying them of your intent to travel. Some of these documents need to be sent weeks to months in advance.
If you are traveling to Hawaii or Japan, the wait period for entry after Rabies protocol and testing can take up to 6 months.
Commercial airlines have breed restrictions, especially brachycephalic (snub-nosed) pets. They also have weight and size restrictions for traveling in the cabin.
Check the airline crate and carrier requirements. You may need to purchase a new crate or carrier. If your pet is traveling in cargo, make sure the cargo hold is climate controlled.
Some airports will not allow pets to travel as cargo during certain months of the year or restrict how many pets may travel in cabin.
Some airports require a temperature acclimation letter. We will not write an acclimation letter for a pet if the temperature (including connecting cities/airports) is below 40 degrees or over 90 degrees. NO EXCEPTIONS. Breed, age, and health will be taken in consideration for acclimation letters for temperatures between 40-80 degrees.
If traveling internationally, we may have to submit your pet’s health certificate to the USDA electronically for approval. They will usually review the submission within 1-2 business days. However, if there are corrections to be made, they will not approve the certificate. The USDA works regular government business hours. Traveling around holidays and weekends can be tricky. Once a health certificate is approved by the USDA, they will overnight the paperwork to your home address. Scheduling your pet’s health certificate at the right time is very important. For example, if you are travelling on a Monday you don’t want to schedule your pet’s health certificate appointment with us on Friday. The USDA won’t have enough time to review the documents, approve them, and overnight them before your departure date.
Health certificate validity is dependent on the airline and/or the country of destination. Most health certificates need to be written less than 10 days before ARRIVAL not departure.
Your pet will need an examination on the day of the health certificate. Any additional services (rabies, microchip, testing, etc) will NOT be included in the price of the health certificate.
If you miss your flight, reschedule, or are unable to travel for any reason, we will have to rewrite (domestic) or resubmit (international, Hawaii) the health certificate if the new schedule is outside of the allotted time of travel. Most airlines require a health certificate to be completed within 10 days of travel. If we must repeat the certificate process, additional charges will apply,
If you are visiting and have a return flight to Oklahoma, check the validity date of the health certificate we issue. You may not be able to use the health certificate we write for your departure for re-entry.