Anesthetic and surgical procedure(s) to be performed: Pain Management Your pet will receive an injection to ease post-operative pain. However, continued pain management at home is highly recommended. Follow-up medications will reduce discomfort and promote a faster recovery. (Additional cost ranges from $13.25 to $104.00. Estimate is available upon request.)
Pre-anesthetic bloodwork Please be advised that anesthetic and surgical procedures are not without risk. A complete physical exam will be performed on your pet prior to the procedure but this may not identify all systemic or metabolic problems. For this reason, a pre-surgical blood screen is recommended. These tests will assess organ function, and detect signs of infection, helping to determine which anesthetic protocol is best for your pet. (Additional cost is $152.00.)
Notifications Current vaccinations are required for all animals undergoing surgery. If a vaccine history is not provided, this animal will be vaccinated at the owner's expense. Animals spayed while in heat or pregnant will receive additional fees. An estimate is available upon request. If fleas are found on your pet upon arrival, they will be treated at the owner's expense
Authorization and Risk Assessment I, being responsible for the above described animal, have the authority to grant you my consent to treat and/or operate upon my pet. I understand reasonable precaution will be used against injury, escape, or death of this pet. I am aware that any problem that develops with my pet will be treated as deemed best by the staff veterinarian and I assume full responsibility for the treatment expense involved.